How to add Notification to your page/post
To add notification to your page simply click on notification shortcode button, that can be found integrated in default editor panel in visual mode. See image below.
[one_third last=last]
Notification Settings
Notification shortcode comes with one option:
“Type of Notification” option allows you to choose one of the 8 available notification types: “Successful”, “Error”, “Info”, “Warning”, “Successful Tiny”, “Error Tiny”, “Info Tiny”, “Warning Tiny”. Choose the one you need and it will be possible to preview it in block below.
After you are done with settings, click “Insert” button.
Shortcode will be placed in content, inside your editor. Exactly where the syntax is placed depends on where your cursor is. So don’t forget to place cursor in correct place in your content, before adding shortcode.
Simple Notification Example
[notification type=”notification_mark”]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type=”notification_error”]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type=”notification_info”]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type=”notification_warning”]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type="notification_mark"]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type="notification_error"]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type="notification_info"]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type="notification_warning"]Your message goes here[/notification]
Simple Tiny Notification Example
[notification type=”notification_mark_tiny”]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type=”notification_error_tiny”]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type=”notification_info_tiny”]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type=”notification_warning_tiny”]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type="notification_mark_tiny"]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type="notification_error_tiny"]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type="notification_info_tiny"]Your message goes here[/notification]
[notification type="notification_warning_tiny"]Your message goes here[/notification]