Pugs for Pinky

A foundation to help sick pugs and their Families.

Audio Player

Audio Player

How To Add Audio Player

You can add audio the same way you add images.

Simply upload audio using add media option (Upload/Insert button above the editor) and then click “Insert into post”.

[thaudio href=’http://churchope.themoholics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Sunny-Morning-2.mp3′]Sunny Morning[/thaudio]

Sample Code

[thaudio href='http://url/Sunny-Morning-2.mp3']Sunny Morning[/thaudio]


You can control player width using column shortcodes.

[two_third] [thaudio href=’http://churchope.themoholics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Sunny-Morning-2.mp3′ hide_title=’true’]Sunny Morning [/thaudio] [/two_third]
[one_third last=last] [thaudio href=’http://churchope.themoholics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Sunny-Morning-2.mp3′ hide_title=’true’]Sleepy Night [/thaudio] [/one_third]

Sample Code

[three_fourth] [thaudio href='http://url/Sunny-Morning-2.mp3' hide_title='true']Sunny Morning [/thaudio]  [/three_fourth] 
[one_fourth last=last]   [thaudio href='http://url/Sunny-Morning-2.mp3' hide_title='true']Sleepy Night [/thaudio] [/one_fourth] 

Audio Title

You can add following code to shortcode to hide title & time below the timeline:

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